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Ivica Klapan

Ivica Klapan

The School of Medicine University of Zagreb, Croatia, EU, The Schools of Medicine J. J. Strossmayer University in Osijek, Croatia, EU, Klapan Medical Group Polyclinic, Zagreb, Croatia, EU


Professor Klapan graduated from Zagreb University School of Medicine. He has completed two postdoctoral studies from the same University (Clinical Immunology&Allergology, Otorhinolaryngology-Head&Neck Surgery) and his PHD (Zagreb University and Eye&Ear Institute, Pittsburgh University, PA, USA) at the age of 30 years. He is the founder/director of Klapan Medical Group University Polyclinic. He has published more than 110 papers in reputed journals; citations/355; h-index: >25; 14 medical books (7/Croatian and 7/English language; editor, author and co-autor); chaired and headed a number of international surgical courses and symposia.


Abstract : Rhinophotodynamic Therapy in the Treatment of Sinonasal Polyposis