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Md Monjurul Alam

Md Monjurul Alam

Bangabundhu Sheik Mujib Medical University, Bangladesh

Title: Workshop: Initial experience of endoscopic ear surgery in Bangladesh


Biography: Md Monjurul Alam


Background: Endoscopic ear surgery is an emerging technique with recent advancement highlighting advantages over the traditional microscopic approach. In Bangladesh  we started doing myringoplasty since 2005 with otoendoscope and stopped due to few problems But again, since 2007,  all types of middle ear surgeries  with nasal endoscopes has been being done with bright , wide & clear view. We did different types of Transcanal  Tympanoplasties, ossicluplasties, stapedotomies, also few cholesteatoma surgeries by endoscope.As Rigid endoscopy allows for wide-field view of the surgical field improved resolution with high magnification, and the ability to look around corners , enabling direct visualization of the hidden recesses including the retrotympanum, epitympanum, supratubal recess, peritympanum  and hypotympanum, granulation tissue or cholesteatoma matrix can be removed easily.

Methods: A cross sectional study done during March,2010 to June,2014 in otolaryngology & Head-Neck surgery dept of Bangabundhu Sheik mujib Medical University (BSMMU) after having permission from Ehethical review board  of the University.

Results: During the study period 1200 different types of transcanal  Endoscopic  Tympanoplasties like underlay &  interlay tympanoplasty using different graft matrials ;temporalis fascia,perichondrium, cartilage with graft taken up rate & hearing gain equivalent with tympanoplasty done by microscope. 517 different types ossicluplasties  and stapedotomies were done with similar hearing gain  done by microscope.117 cholesteatoma surgery – Atticotomy, attico-antrostomy with reconstruction have been done  without any major  complication or recurrence. Learning curve of surgery among the residents  is higher with endoscope.

Conclusions: Endoscopic ear surgery is a new technique that is gaining momentum in Bangladesh and there is enthusiasm for its incorporation into future practice. Further investment in training courses and guidance for those who looking to start or advance the use of endoscopes in their practice will be vital in the the years to come.