Alessandro Bucci
ENT Department – Senigallia, Italy
Head of Sleep Apnea Center and Rhinology/Rhino-Allergology Center - Otolaryngology Dept. ASUR Marche – AV2 – Senigallia – Italy. International faculty member of the XXXV Pan-American Congress of Otorhinolaryngology 2016, Cuba. Past Director of the 1st International Conference on Rhinology and Rhino-Allergology / 5th Bulgarian Italian Rhinology Meeting, 2016 Senigallia (Italy). Committee Member and Chairman of the International Specialists Conference on Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders, November 2016 Alicante (Spain). In the past: University Professor at the UNIVPM – Ancona – Italy.
International faculty member of the VI Bulgarian Italian Meeting of Rhinology. Dr. Bucci attended medical school at Catholic University (UCSC) in Rome, and completed his residency in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at UCSC - Gemelli Hospital in Rome. Reserve Medical Officer of the Italian Navy. Consultant in Otolaryngology from 2002. PhD (Rhinology and Rhino-Allergology) in 2006 at UCSC - Rome. Fellowship in Otolaryngology in Spain (University Hospital, Cadiz). Fellowship trained in Facial Plastic Surgery (AMC) and OSAS (Sint Lucas Andreas Hospital) in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, in Facial Plastic Surgery (Calixto Garcia University Hospital), La Habana, Cuba. Research focused on Rhinology/RhinoAllergology, Sleep Apnea/OSAS, and dysphagia/swallowing disorders. Teaching, management and audit experienced. His other main interest is in humanitarian and international outreach. He is Vice-president of the ONLUS association: “ANATRA.it” (National Association of Tracheotomised patients). Member of the ERS (European Rhinologic Society).