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Ludia Gumareas

Ludia Gumareas

Hospital CUF Porto, Portugal

Title: Dr.


Biography: Ludia Gumareas


Statement  of the problem:
Being a individualized surgery , rhinoplasty  has different procedures  according with  the facial surgical past of the pacient.
According  to the best results, a secondary  , terciary (or even more ) rhinoplasty  surgery ,comparing with a primary one, should consider different parameters for support and contour, as well as  facial framing  ,wich means more precise techniques and skills acquired
The purpose of this presentation is to alert for these different perspectives , and to be aware  of the modification of the nose , each time we  operate in  a nose for a second time , specially  if it is not a revision.
Theorical orientations begins with the pacient evaluation  and explanation  of the case,( to him or her ) and understanding and delineation of a surgical plan for the surgeon to achieve  the best result.
Findings are sometimes quite different from case to case  .
What to preserve , and what to simplify , is sometimes the key for a good result.
In conclusion , the learning curve never stops for  the surgeon , and people´s self esteem is always the key for individual success