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Taisa Giannecchini

Taisa Giannecchini

Fonoaudióloga Clínica, Brazil

Title: Apraxis-productive intervention program for children with phonological disorder


Biography: Taisa Giannecchini


Purpose: This study analyzed the applicability in the speech pathology clinic of a praxis-productive intervention program for children with phonological disorder, by its implementation. Methods: the study proposed a theoretical model of the program, based on a literature review on speech motor control, which orders muscle contraction for the execution of praxis, including the planning, preparation of movements and execution of plans, aiming at muscle contractions and movements of structures that ultimately lead to speech articulation. Thereafter, the material was applied to 12 children aged 6 to 8 years with phonological disorder, to show the applicability of the praxis-productive intervention program in practice. Results: the results showed improvement of speech in all individuals within the time defined by the instrument, with higher scores for the evaluative evidence of phonology and oral praxis after intervention compared to the scores before intervention. Conclusion: the praxis-productive intervention program was useful, simple easy to apply by the speech pathologist and well understood by the participants, with favorable responses for the acquisition of phonemes.