Aseel Almeqbel
Kuwait University, Kuwait
Title: Temporal Encoding of Voice Onset Time in Young Children
Biography: Aseel Almeqbel
Objective: Voice onset time (VOT) is an important parameter of speech that denotes the time interval between consonant onset and the onset of low frequency periodicity generated. In this study we examined the temporal encoding of voice onset time in the cortical auditory evoked response (CAEP) of young children.
Methods: Scalp recoded CAEP were measured in 18 children aged from 5-8 participated (n=18). The N2 latency was evoked using differences in voice-onset-times (VOTs) using stop consonant-vowel syllables /ga/-/ka/.
Results: A significant and systematic shift in the N2 latency was observed for differences in VOT.
Conclusions: Our results demonstrate that temporal encoding of VOT exists in the developing cortical evoked response.