Sherin A Khalam
Pms College Of Dental Science and Research Center, India.
Title: Surgical management of oral submucous fibrosis with fibrotomy, temporalis myotomy and bilateral coronoidectomy
Biography: Sherin A Khalam
Aim: The aim of our study was to evaluate the effect of coronoidectomy with excision of fibrotic bands as an operative technique in management of oral submucous fibrosis.
Materials & Methods: A patient with histologically proven lesions of category group IV A (severe trismus with an interincisal distance of less than 15 mm and extensive fibrosis of all the oral mucosa) case of oral submucous fibrosis, having a mouth opening of 12 mm was surgically treated. The procedure involved bilateral release of fibrotic bands, bilateral coronoidectomy and no reconstruction covering the buccal defects with collagen membrane. Regular physiotherapy and follow up were done and results were assessed by comparing the preoperative and postoperative mean intraoperative inter incisal distance.
Results: The intraoperative inter incisal distance after band excision and coronoidectomy increased up to 38.0 mm. The mean mouth opening after one year follow up was found to be 39.6 mm. Conclusion: In management of oral submucous fibrosis, the procedure of coronoidectomy after fibrotic band release had excellent results with adequate mouth opening and no recurrence was noticed until the last follow up.