Zuraida Zainun
Audiology Program School of Health Sciences University Sains Malaysia
Title: Effects of Quranic and broadband therapy among tinnitus on N100 and p300 evoked residual potential tests.
Biography: Zuraida Zainun
Tinnitus is known to unfavorably affect patients quality of life. Cognitive impairments such as inadequate concentration and attention have been reported in some tinnitus patients. This preliminary study was performed to determine the memory abilities of tinnitus patients using the N100 and p300 evoked residual potential tests. We recruited seven patients with tinnitus who underwent 6 months treatment with Quranic rhythm (group 1) and Broadband noise (BBN) (group 2). All subjects completed the tasks successfully. Statistical analysis showed no significant difference in 4 groups (preBBN, post BBN, pre Quranic and post Quranic) for both tests (p>0.05). The amplitude of N100 wave targeted stimuli in group 1 showed mild cognitive improvement (8 out of 19 channels improvement) compared to group 2 where there was 7 out of 19 channels. The latency of N100 wave target group 2 showed better improvement than group 1. The amplitude of P300 wave targeted stimuli in group 2 patients with mild cognitive improvement compared to group 1. The latency of p300 wave targeted stimuli in group 1 and 2 showed equal improvement after intervention. Our findings suggest that Quranic rhythm is one of the alternatives and a potentially new treatment option for tinnitus patients in addition to the use of Broadband noise.