Biography: M Tayyar Kalcioglu
Tympanoplasty is one of the most common procedures of otolaryngology surgeries. One of the goal of the tympanoplasty is to reconstruct the tympanic membrane. Many grafting materials have been proposed and used for tympanoplasty in last two century. Temporalis muscle fascia is the mostly used material for a long time. Success rate after temporalis fascia muscle is about 90%. For the problematic cases, success rate may be worse. For some difficult cases like revision surgeries, Eustachian tube dysfunctions, total or subtotal tympanic membrane perforations, and retraction pockets, it would be better to use more rigid grafting materials such as cartilage. Cartilage may help to overcome complications such as retractions, re-perforations. On the other hand, there are some questions and ongoing discussions on the hearing results after using such kind of rigid materials. The aim of this topic is to present personal experiences and datas on the cartilage island tympanoplasty with hearing results.